
IMM Concept Artist

+(34) 674632011 Spain


IMM is a comic and concept artist who lives and works in Spain.

Born in Madrid, Spain, in 1985. He studied fine arts at the Complutense University of Madrid for five years (2003-2008) specializing in painting and attending several summer courses in the same University on figurative painting.

After college (2010) he got accepted in the institute for design and graphic arts Artediez of Madrid where he is currently finishing a degree in Illustration and design, to be completed shortly on 2013.

He carried out the art work displayed here along with his other activities, and is now starting his career as a professional comic artist.


IMM es un dibujante de comic y diseñador de concept que trabaja y vive en España

Nacido en Madrid, España, en 1985. Estudio  Bellas artes en la universidad complutense de Madrid durante cinco años (2003-2008) especializándose en pintura y asistiendo a diversos cursos de verano en la misma universidad sobre pintura figurativa.

Tras la facultad (2010) ingreso en la escuela de diseño y artes graficas Artediéz de Madrid donde está actualmente realizando  un modulo de Ilustración, que finalizara próximamente en 2013.

Las obras aquí mostradas fueron realizadas durante este periodo en paralelo con sus estudios, ahora está comenzando una carrera como dibujante profesional de comic.